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Penyakit Leukimia

Pernahkah sahabat-sahabat mendengar istilah leukimia ? Bila kita mendengar akan Leukimia ini tentunya bila kita mengetahui akan pengertian leukimia dan bagaimana hal tersebut bisa menimbulkan berbagai buruk negatif bagi fisik dan mental bagi penderitanya maka kita akan merasa takut fobia akan penyakit ini. Kali ini Blog Keperawatan akan mencoba share sedikit mengenai penyakit leukimia ini dan semoga artikel ini bisa berguna serta dapat memberikan pengetahuan kita akan berbagai jenis penyakit yang banyak sekali jumlahnya.

Yang dimaksud dengan leukimia adalah suatu jenis penyakit keganasan sel darah yang berasal dari sumsum tulang yang ditandai dengan ciri khasnya berupa bertambahnya sel-sel darah putih (leukosit) dengan manifestasinya adanya penambahan sel-sel yang abnormal dalam darah tepi. Leukimia juga seringkali kita kenal dengan istilah kanker darah. Dan kanker darah ini menduduki peringkat pertama pada jenis keganasan yang menimpa anak-anak di dunia dengan mencapai prosentase 30-40%. Penyebab leukimia ini sampai sekarang belum diketahui secara pasti akan penyebab. Karena penelitian dalam bidang kesehatan belum mendapatkan bukti yang otentik yang bisa menjelaskan dan mengambarkan penyebab kanker darah ini. Ada juga faktor resiko kanker darah terjadinya adalah karena faktor genetik, fator lingkungan dan juga faktor immunodefisiensi. Leukimia ini juga terbagi menjadi dua yaitu leukimia anak dan leukimia dewasa.


Leukimia anak dengan prosentase yang cukup besar di atas bisa mencerminkan bahwasannya penyakit kanker darah anak ini tidak bisa kita anggap remeh. Ada beberapa jenis leukimia yang bisa kita dapatkan dan kenali. Diantara jenis leukimia itu adalah :
  1. Leukemia myeloid kronis ( CML ) termasuk dalam gangguan myeloproliferative kronis.
  2. Leukemia limfositik kronis ( CLL ) termasuk dalam sindrom limfoproliferatif dan sebanding dengan limfoma limfositik.
  3. Limfoid akut leukemia atau lymphoblastic leukemia akut (ALL )
  4. Akut myeloid leukemia myelogenous leukemia atau ( AML )
  5. Myelogenous leukemia ( LM )
Lalu bagaimana kita mengenali akan tanda gejala leukimia ini. Tanda ciri leukimia yang seringkali bisa dideteksi adalah dengan adanya :
  1. Terjadinya anemia. Anemia anak akan bisa menimbulkan gejala seperti rasa cepat lelah, pucat, nafas pendek dan cepat. Hal ini terjadi karena menurunnya sel darah merah (HB). Kita ketahui salah satu fungsi sel darah merah adalah membawa nutrisi dan oksigen ke sel dan jaringan seluruh tubuh bila kekurangan HB ini maka gejala tersebut diatas akan dirasakan.
  2. Perdarahan yang terjadi di bawah kulit. Perdarahan ini juga disebabkan berkurangnya sel trombosit. Tanda ini akan dikenali dengan bercak merah kebiruan, perdarahan gusi, mimisan.
  3. Mudah terserang infeksi. Kita mengetahui bahwasannya sel darah putih ini tumbuh dan berkembang secara abnormal sehingga penderita leukimia akan seringkali mengalami demam yang berkepanjangan yang merupakan salah satu tanda infeksi.
  4. Nyeri. Rasa nyeri ini banyak terjadi pada daerah perut, Karena dalam perut banyak organ tubuh yang mengalami gangguan akibat penyakit ini seperti halnya adanya pembesaran hati, gangguan ginjal dan juga empedu.
Dalam penegakan diagnosa penyakit kanker darah (leukimia) ini medis / dokter akan melakukan beberapa pemeriksaan penunjang untuk menegakkan diagnosa leukimia. Gejala dan tanda akan dikenali dan juga akan memeriksa peradangan hati, limpa, atau kelenjar getah bening di pangkal paha, ketiak dan leher yang menjadikan ciri khas kanker darah.
Pemeriksaan penunjang yang dilakukan diantaranya yaitu :
  1. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Darah. Karena berhubungan erat dengan kelainan sel darah khususnya adalah darah putih maka akan dilakukan pemeriksaan darah untuk memeriksa sel-sel leukemia dalam darah. Bisa melakukan tes darah lainnya untuk bisa menilai adanya gen spesifik yang berhubungan dengan leukemia.
  2. Biopsi sumsum tulang. Pembentukan sel-sel darah adalah dalam sumsum tulang maka dalam hal ini pemeriksaan tulang sumsum dengan penghapusan cair dan sepotong kecil tulang untuk menguji sel-sel kanker Jika biopsi menunjukkan sel-sel leukemia, tes tambahan mungkin diperintahkan untuk menentukan penyakit ini telah menyebar dan apa sistem yang terpengaruh.
  3. Bone Marrow Aspirasi. Pemeriksaan penunjang dengan melakukan penghapusan sampel cairan sumsum tulang untuk menguji sel-sel kanker.
Pengobatan leukimia ini biasanya dilakukan dengan cara :
  1. Melakukan Khemotherapi. Kemoterapi adalah pengobatan yang biasanya dilakukan untuk semua jenis kanker, termasuk kanker darah pada anak ini.
  2. Transplantasi sumsum tulang belakang. Karena sumsum tulang belakang ini adalah sumber timbulnya penyakit leukimia anak. Untuk mengenai transplantasi sahabat bisa membaca kisah yang sungguh banyak memberikan pelajaran yang berharga dalam suatu proses transplantasi di sahabat Denaihati.com dalam cerita bersambungnya mengenai transplantasi hati. Bila merunut cerita penuh ibrah di atas akan banyak memberikan kita pelajaran berharga dan penuh hikmah mengambarkan kasih sayang orang tua dan pengorbanannya dalam usaha dan ikhtiarnya serta tentunya doa yang tidak putus-putus kepada Allah Yang Maha Kuasa untuk menyembuhkan kanker hati yang sedang terjadi pada anaknya.
  3. Pemberian obat-obatan yang berupa injeksi (suntikan) atau pun bentuk obat oral (tablet) dalam rangka untuk bisa membantu menghentikan produksi sel darah putih yang abnormal dalam tubuh.
  4. Melakukan tranfusi darah. Transfusi darah ini biasanya dalam bentuk transfusi darah merah dan juga trombosit.

Blog Keperawatan : http://askep-net.blogspot.com/2012/11/penyakit-leukimia.html

Uji Normalitas dengan SPSS

Sebelum kita melakukan analisis data dan untuk menentukan uji yang cocok apakah akan menggunakan uji statistik parametrik atau statistik non parametrik, maka perlu dilakukan uji normalitas. Data yang diuji adalah variabel dependen yang berbentuk numerik.

Uji normalitas di SPSS dapat kita lakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :

1. Dari menu utama SPSS, pilihlah Analyze --> Descriptive ---> Explorer, sampai muncul jendela seperti dibawah ini :

2. Pada kotak dialog tersebut , pilih variabel yang akan dianalisis. Sebagai contoh saya menggunakan variabel  "Berat bayi lahir (bbayi)". Pilih variabel tersebut, kemudian klik tombol 'segitiga" yang paling atas untuk memasukannya ke kotak 'Dependent List:', seperti terlihat dibawah ini :

3. Klik Plots..., kemudian aktifkan (centang) "Histogram" dan "Normality plots with test".

4. Klik Continue.
5. Lalu klik OK
6. Akan Muncul jendela output. Nah.... dari banyaknya tabel dan gambar yang muncul yang perlu anda perhatikan adalah gambar histogram dan tabel Tests of Normality, seperti berikut :

Dari tebel Test of Normality pada kolom Kolmogorv-Smirnov terlihat bahwa p-value = 0,200, artinya bahwa data 'berat bayi lahir' berdistribusi normal. Dari gambaran histogram juga, nampak kalau data cenderung berdistribusi normal.

Blog Biostatistik : http://statistik-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/03/uji-normalitas-dengan-spss.html

Transformasi Data di SPSS

Transformasi data adalah suatu proses dalam merubah bentuk data. Misalnya  merubah data numerik menjadi data kategorik atau merubah dari beberapa variabel yang sudah ada dibuat satu variabel komposit yang baru. Beberapa perintah SPSS yang sering digunakan adalah RECODE dan COMPUTE.

Untuk kali ini saya akan mencoba melakukan transformasi data dengan metode "Recode".

Misalnya saya memiliki data tentang pendidikan yang terdiri dari (dengan kode) 1= Tidak Sekolah/Tidak Tamat SD, 2=Tamat SD, 3=Tamat SMP, 4=Tamat SMA, 5= Akademi/PT. Lantas saya ingin merobahnya menjadi 3 (tiga) tingkatan saja yang terdiri dari 1= Rendah, 2= Menengah, dan 3 = Tinggi.

Sebelum melakukan transformasi, perubahan kategori diatas harus didefinisikan terlebih dahulu. Yaitu untuk kategori "rendah" bila pendidikannya "Tidak Sekolah/Tidak Tamat SD dan Tamat SD", untuk kategori   "Menengah" bila pendidikannya adalah "Tamat SMP", dan kategori "Tinggi" jika pendidikannya adalah "Tamat SMA dan Akademi/PT".

Dari definisi di atas kita akan melakukan perubahan kode, yaitu 1-2 =1, 3=2, dan 4-5=3.

Untuk melakukan transformasi ini, maka saya akan menggunakan perintah "recode", dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :
  1. Dari menu utama di jendela editor SPSS anda, pilihlah Transform--> Recode--> IntoDifferent Variable... 
  1. Pilihlah variabel pendidikan, kemudian klik tanda segitiga untuk memasukannya ke kotak sebelah kanan.
  1. Isi kotak name dengan variabel baru mislanya "didik_baru"(ingat tidak boleh ada spasi, tulisan harus bersambung).
  1. Klik tombol "Change", sehingga pada kotak "Numeric Variable->Output Variable" terlihat "pendidikan -->didik_baru".

  1. Selanjutnya klik tombol "Old and News Values..", akan muncul jendela berikut :

  1. Pada lajur kiri "Old Vaalue", klik option button Range: through, (artinya  kita akan mengisi angka dari '...' sampai. '...' ) isi kotak kosong tersebut  dengan angka 1 dan 2, kemudian pada "New value.." di option Value isi dengan angka "1". Selanjutnya Klik Add, hasilnya seperti ini :

  1. Berikutnya pada "Old Value". Pilih option button "Value:"(karena, angka yang kita masukan hanya satu, bukan range/rentang/interval) kemudian masukan angka "3". Pada "New value.." di option Value isi dengan angka "2". Klik Add.
  1. Selanjutnya  pada "Old Vaalue", klik option button "Range: through," atau anda dapat memilih pilihan "Range through highest" (artinya :kurang dari atau sama dengan), saya memilih "Range through highest" isi kotak kosong tersebut  dengan angka  "4" . Kemudian pada "New value.." di option Value isi dengan angka "3". Selanjutnya Klik Add, hasilnya seperti ini :

  1. Klik Continue  
  2. Kemudian klik OK. Perubahan nampak pada jendela editor, lihat kolom paling kanan pada jendela "Data View".
 Untuk contoh recode lainnya..tunggu tutorialnya..

Blog Biostatistik : http://statistik-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/03/transformasi-data-di-spss.html

Yates Correction vs Fisher Exact

Kedua uji ini merupakan uji alternatif yang digunakan untuk tabel kontingensi 2x2 pada kondisi dimana terdapat nilai sel yang terlampau kecil dari batas minimal yang ditentukan.  Perlu diingat bahwa teknik Uji Kai Kuadrat mensyaratkan sebagi berikut :
  1. Tidak boleh ada sel yang mempunyai nilai harapan < 1.
  2. Tidak lebih dari 20% sel mempunyai nilai harapan < 5.
Nah... bila ketentuan tersebut tidak terpenuhi, maka Uji Yates Correction (koreksi Yates) dan Fisher Exact yang digunakan.

Lalu kapan kedua uji ini digunakan ?

Cochran (1954) dalam Siegel (1992) menyarankan bahwa kedua uji tersebut akan baik bila digunakan pada kondisi sebagai berikut :
  1. Bila sampel >40, gunakan koreksi Yates pada kondisi apapun.
  2. Bila sampel 20-40, gunakan koreksi Yates dengan ketentuan tidak ada sel yang nilai ekspektasinya <5. Jika ada sel yang nilai ekspektasinya <5, maka gunakan Fisher Exact.
  3. Bila sampel <20, gunakan Fisher Exact pada kondisi apapun. 

Namun demikian penggunaan koreksi Yates tidak disarankan/diperlukan lagi, bila N terlampau banyak. Dahulu koreksi Yates banyak digunakan, namun akhir-akhir ini manfaatnya dipertanyakan. Bahkan Grizzle (1967) menganjurkan untuk tidak menggunakan koraksi Yates, karena cenderung meperbesar kesalahan tipe II (tidak menolak Ho, padahal Ho salah).

Rumus Yates Correction :

Rumus untuk Fisher Exact :

Untuk contoh penggunaannya Insya Allah akan saya berikan pada kesempatan lain.

  1. Murti, Bhisma. Penerapan Metode Statistik Non Parametrik Dalam Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1996.
  2. Sabri, L., Hastono, SP. Statistik Kesehatan.Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers. 2008
  3. Siegel, Sidney. Statistik Non Parametrik Untuk Ilmu-ilmu Sosial. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992.

    Blog Biostatistik : http://statistik-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/03/yates-correction-vs-fisher-exact.html


    I. Introduction

    The shell vial method employs centrifugation of the patient specimen onto a cell monolayer contained in a vial. In general, the centrifugation step shortens the time to a positive culture result. Virus may be detected by direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) or indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) staining within hours or days of inoculation. Currently, the MRC-5 (Human Fibroblast cells, Diagnostic Hybrid Inc. [DHI]) shell vial is used for the detection of CMV, HSV and VZ, the R-Mix (DHI) is used for the detection of respiratory viruses and the E-Mix (DHI) is use for the detection of enteroviruses.


    II. Reagents and Materials

    Fluorescence microscope with filter for FITC/Evans blue

    Inverted microscope

    FITC-conjugated virus-specific antibody stains (HSV1,2; VZV; CMV-IE; D3 enterovirus)

    SimulFluor DFA Respiratory Viral Screen/RSV panel-(Chemicon)*

    Phosphate buffered saline (PBS)

    Distilled water

    Cold acetone (4oC)

    Mounting fluid

    Sterile pipettes

    Cytospin and accessories

    Humidified chamber

    Sterile freezer vial

    Sterile shell vials with round coverslips and caps

    Needle with hooked end attached to syringe

    Maintenance media

    Glass slides


    Paper towels for blotting

    III. Procedure

    1. Registration

    i) Upon receipt of a shipment of cells, initial and date the record sheet accompanying the shipment. The record should contain vendor, lot number, passage number and QC data. File in the Cell Culture QC binder.

    ii) Register the shell vial lots in the lab information system (LIS), this is necessary to generate the Shell Vial MRC-5, E-Mix or R-Mix QC procedures. Print labels. Refer to virology LIS manual for procedure.


    2. Seeding (not in routine use) of MRC-5shell vials

    i) Before seeding the shell vials, aspirate about 15 mL of MRC-5 cell suspension into a 125 cm2 tissue culture flask, place label on the side of flask and/or write “MRC-5, date and ‘Pre’”.

    ii) After seeding shell vials, aspirate about 15 mL of MRC-5 cell suspension into another 125 cm2 tissue culture flask, label on the side of flask with “MRC-5, date and ‘Post’”.

    iii) Aliquot the MRC-5 cells in 1 to 2 mL volumes into a sterile shell vials containing round cover-slips.

    iv) Each shell vial is capped tightly (CO2 produced by growing cells is needed to maintain proper pH for optimal cell growth) and incubated at 36ºC for 2-3 days to form a relatively confluent monolayer before use.


    3. Incubation

    i. For seeded (not in routine use) MRC-5 shell vials, incubate at 36ºC and use them on days 3-10.

    ii. Store DHI (MRC-5, E-Mix and R-Mix) shell vials at room temperature in the dark. The DHI shell vials can be placed in service after pre-incubating for 2 to 4 hours.

    Only sufficient shell vials for the day should be pre-incubated and the unused ones can be pre-incubated again the next day up to the allowed 24 hr limit..


    4. Refeed

    Shipping media in the shell vials must be replaced with the corresponding refeed media prior to inoculation. This is done by decanting or aspirating with a pipette and adding 1.5 mL of the appropriate aliquot maintenance media (each of MRC-5, E-Mix and R-Mix has its own refeed medium from DHI).


    5. Inoculation of shell vials

    i) Refer to specimen protocol or Appendix XXI Specimen Cell Line Stain Table for the number of shell vials to be inoculated.

    ii) Prior to inoculation, check for confluent monolayer formation, sterility and for presence of a coverslip. Ensure that the shipping media have already been replaced with appropriate fresh maintenance media. Record results daily under Shell Vial MRC5, Emix or Rmix quality control procedures in the LIS.

    iii) Apply a specimen label (LIS barcode) to the shell vial(s) and a corresponding plane glass slide. Label slides for HSV1; HSV2; VZ; CMV on MRC-5 shell vials and RS on R-Mix shell vials accordingly. E-Mix will be read for CPE as with tube culture and does not require a pre-labeled slide.

    iv) Inoculate 0.2 mL for MRC-5, E-Mix and 0.3 mL for R-Mix of processed specimen into the shell vials. Inoculate one specimen at a time, recapping immediately afterward.

    v) Centrifuge at room temperature for 15 minutes at 4300 rpm (3500 x g).

    vi) Use a new, sterile pipette for each vial. Process one specimen at a time, recapping immediately afterwards. After set up is complete, discard any remaining aliquotted maintenance medium. For specimens that have excess blood or mucous, remove excessive sediment by refeeding shell vials after about 2 hours of incubation.

    viii) Incubate the shell vials at 36ºC, lined up in rows of HSV1 and HSV2. CMV, R-Mix and E-Mix should be lined up in different cluster plates (CMV-IE requires an extra step in IFA staining and 2 days of incubation; R-Mix and VZ are DFA staining but require 2 and 4 days of incubation respectively; E-Mix is incubated and read for CPE):

    Cell Line

    Virus/Stain/Read for CPE*

    # of Vials

    Incubation Time







    HSV 1, 2

    HSV bivalent



    Resp virus Screen (RS)

    Enteroviruses* (read for CPE)







    1 day

    1 day

    4 days

    2 days

    2 days

    5 days*


    4. Staining of shell vials

    i) Prior to staining, examine the shell vial monolayer using the inverted microscope:

    ii) If there is <75% CPE, perform IFA or DFA staining on the shell vial monolayer using the required antibody conjugate. For CMV, see shell vial staining under Appendix IV (IFA) and for HSV 1&2, VZV and RS, see shell vial staining under Appendix V (DFA).

    iii) If >75% of the monoloayer has lifted from the coverslip, check the colour of the maintenance media and proceed as follows:

    iv) If the maintenance media is bright pink (suggesting alkaline pH), yellow or cloudy, check with charge/senior technologist before proceeding further.

    iii) If the maintenance media is appropriately coloured (salmon pink), perform IFA or DFA staining using cytospin preparations of scraped shell vial cells. Follow the staining procedure for prepared cytospin slides as outlined in the tube culture section in Appendix IV (IFA) and Appendix V (DFA).

    iv) Discard cap. Remove maintenance medium from the shell vials, using a different sterile pipette for shell vials of the same specimen number.

    v) Add 1 mL of cold acetone to each shell vial. Cover and fix for 10 minutes.

    vi) Decant acetone and blot on paper towel.

    vii) Gently rinse with PBS from squirt bottle, filling vial 3/4 full. Make sure the stream is gentle enough not to flip the cover-slip. Decant PBS.

    viii) Add 75 ml (2 drops from bottle) of HSV1, HSV2 and VZ to the appropriate row of shell vials in the DFA cluster plate (including QC shell vials, if done on that day). Cover.

    ix) Add 75 ml (2 drops from bottle) of CMV-IE to the appropriate row of shell vials in the IFA (CMV, 2 day) cluster plate (including QC shell vials, if done on that day). Cover.

    x) Incubate both DFA and IFA shell vials at 36oC for 30 minutes.

    xi) Gently rinse with PBS from squirt bottle, filling vial 3/4 full. Make sure the stream is gentle enough not to flip the cover-slip. Decant PBS. Repeat.

    xii) For the DFA shell vials (HSV1, HSV2, VZV) remove the coverslip and place cell side down onto a drop of mounting fluid on the pre-labelled glass slide.

    xiii) For the IFA (CMV 2 day) shell vials, add 75ml (2 drops from bottle) of appropriate FITC-conjugated anti-mouse antibodies, cover and repeat the incubation and wash steps (i and j).

    xiv) Remove the coverslip and place cell side down onto a drop of mounting fluid on a glass slide.

    xv) Read using fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue filter and the 40x objective.


    III. Reading of Stained Shell Vials

    i) CMV – Immediate Early Antigen (CMV-IE)

    Using the fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue filter, scan the entire field using the 25x objective. Use the 40x objective to investigate any fluorescing cells.

    POSITIVE: An even matte apple-green fluorescence covering the entire kidney bean shaped/oval nucleus. May include specks of brighter fluorescence.

    NEGATIVE: No typical cells with apple-green fluorescence

    INVALID: If no counterstain is visible or only the edge of cover slip is stained, inform senior/charge technologist. The cover-slip may have flipped before being stained


    ii) HSV/VZV

    Using the fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue filter, scan the entire field using the 10x or 25x objective. Use the 40x objective to investigate any fluorescing cells.

    POSITIVE: Distinct apple-green fluorescence of the cytoplasma and /or nucleus of the infected cells. Dull red Evans blue counter stain should be visible for stained nonfluorescent cells.

    NEGATIVE: No typical cells with apple-green fluorescence.

    Dull red Evans blue counter stain should be visible for negative cells.

    INVALID: If no counterstain is visible or only the edge of cover slip is stained, inform senior/charge technologist. The cover-slip may have flipped before being stained.


    iii) RS- (Respiratory virus Screen)

    Using the fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue and Rodamine bi-filter, scan the entire field using the 10x, and 25x objectives. Use the 40x objective to investigate any fluorescing cells.

    POSITIVE for respiratory virus: i) green: Cells with apple-green fluorescence fluorescence.

    POSITIVE for RSV: i) gold: Cells with gold fluorescence.

    NEGATIVE: No typical cells with apple-green or gold fluorescence

    INVALID: If no counterstain is visible or only the edge of cover slip is stained, inform senior/charge technologist. The cover-slip may have flipped before being stained.


    IV. Shell Vial for CPE (E-Mix) can be referred to Appendix III (Tube Culture/Shell Vial for CPE)

    IV. Quality Control

    A. Shell Vial MRC-5 Quality Control: (unopened shell vial)

    This is done weekly when cell shipments are received to monitor cell growth. Record daily in LIS.

    Examine daily (for 7 days) for:

    Expected results:

    Shell Vial MRC5 QC- expected results (LIS entry):

    Absence of contamination

    Visual inspection: (1) medium colour not yellow (2) medium not cloudy


    Healthy cell growth

    Under inverted microscopy: (1) confluent monolayer (2) medium colour pink


    Cover slip

    Under inverted microscopy: cover slip present


    At the end of 7 days, one unopened shell vial in good condition is used as “Previous lot MRC-5” for the following week.


    B. Shell Vial Inoculation QC procedure (6 shell vials + 1 previous lot):

    This QC procedure is performed once a week utilizing HSV-1 (ATCC 539) to:

    1. Show that each MRC-5 lot supports the propagation of the intended viruses.

    1. Monitor entire shell vial procedures from inoculation to reading including incubation, staining and reading (HSV1 & 2 are DFA, CMV-IE is IFA).
    2. The inoculation part is done by Tube Culture bench, the Shell Vial bench completes the procedure including reporting in the LIS.



    Gr* = stained positive for the intended virus

    Pos*= stained positive with the specified stain

    Neg*= stained negative with the specified stain


    2. Daily Slide Shell Vial QC procedure:

    Done and recorded each work day to monitor the staining of each batch (except the day when Inoculated Shell Vial QC procedure is done).

    4-well HSV daily QC slide

    2-well CMV daily QC slide

    Well containing:

    Stain with:

    HSV1 daily SLIDE SV QC- expected results on Staining Reaction (LIS entry):



    HSV-1 (ATCC 539)





    Uninoculated MRC-5 cells










    Uninoculated MRC-5 cells





    CMV (ATCC 807)





    Uninoculated MRC-5 cells



    Gr* = stained positive for the intended virus

    Pos*= stained positive with the specified stain

    Neg*= stained negative with the specified stain

    4-well R-Mix daily QC slide

    Well containing:

    Stain with:

    R-Mix daily SLIDE SV QC- expected results on Staining Reaction


    Flu A (ATCC)




    Uninoculated cells



    RSV (ATCC)




    Uninoculated MRC-5 cells



    UHN/MSH Microbiology Department

    Policy & Procedure Manual

    Policy # MI/VIR/16/02/v03

    Page 10 of 10

    Virology Manual

    D. Reagent QC (HSV1, HSV2, HSV bivalent, CMV-IE and VZ stains):

    a. Performed prior to patient testing and must pass before reagents are released for use.

    a. Done on external QC slides.

    b. Record QC results in Reagent Log and LIS.

    Failed QCs:

    a. Do not release patient results pending resolution of QC failure.

    b. Inform charge/senior technologist.

    c. Record in Reagent Log Chart, Instrument Maintenance Log (if eg. microscope/incubator is involved in the failure) and file incident report if necessary.

    d. Re-run failed controls in parallel to fresh controls (and/or external QC) to evaluate the QC material itself (already done routinely for MRC5 cells).

    e. If the re-run shows the old QC material still fails, fresh QC passes and nothing else is wrong with the batch (only the old QC material failed, patient results valid) patient results may be released.

    Marked decrease/absence in fluorescence can be due to:

    a. Reagent deterioration/skipping (did not apply primary/secondary stain)

    a. Microscope (filter, bulb, alignment)

    c. Other equipment, reagents or technique

    V. Reference

    1. Isenberg, H.D. 1992. Clinical Microbiology Procedure Handbook Vol. 2. ASM Press.

    2. Gleaves, Curt A. et al, J Clin Micro., Feb. 1985. Comparison of Standard Tube and Shell Vial Cell Culture Techniques for the Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Clinical Specimens.

    3. Engler, Howard D., Selepak, Sally T., J Clin Micro., June 1994. Effect of Centrifuging Shell Vials at 3,500 x g on Detection of Viruses in Clinical Specimens.


    BAHAN KULIAH DAN MAKALAH KESEHATAN : http://bahankuliahkesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/08/shell-vial-procedure-appendix-ii.html

    TUBE CULTURE (not in routine use) or SHELL VIALS for CPE PROCEDURE (Appendix III)

    69763578 I. Introduction

    Tube culture is the conventional method used by diagnostic virology laboratories for virus isolation. Since there is no universal cell line for recovery of all clinically significant viruses, a combination of cell types is used routinely depending on the symptoms, clinical specimen type and specific viruses being sought. Shell Vials (E-Mix ) can also be adapted to extend their normal incubation times and continue as tube cultures.



    II. Reagents and Materials

    Fluorescence microscope Leica DBRB with #2 filter for Rodamine/FITC Evans blue and #4 filter for FITC Evans blue or

    Fluorescence microscope Leica DC300F with #3 filter for Rodamine/FITC Evans blue and #1 filter for FITC Evans blue

    Inverted microscope

    Control slides

    Virus-specific antibody (eg. Enterovirus D3 stain, DHI)

    FITC-conjugated antimouse antibody

    Phosphate buffered saline (PBS)

    Distilled water

    Cold acetone (4oC)

    Mounting fluid

    Sterile pipettes

    Cytospin and accessories


    Sterile freezer vial

    Glass slides


    Paper towels for blotting

    Humidified chamber


    III Procedure

    1. Registration

    i) Upon receipt in the lab, register cell culture received from the supplier in the lab information system (LIS). Refer to virology LIS manual for procedure.

    ii) File the vendor QC sheet (received with the shipment) in the QC binder.

    iii) Randomly, select two tubes from each lot and check the monolayer microscopically for confluent growth and quality of cells. Use these two tubes as the “unopened controls” outlined under the Quality Control section below.

    iv) MRC-5, R-Mix and E-MIx cell lines are stored for 18-24 hours at 36o C in O2 (or until cell lines reach >50% confluency) and then are kept at room temperature until expiry.

    2. Inoculation of cell culture shell vials

    i) Aliquot 50 mL maintenance medium and allow to come to room temperature before using.

    ii) Refer to the protocol for each specimen type to determine the number of tubes and types of cell lines to be inoculated. Also refer to Appendix XV if needed.

    iii) Prior to inoculation, check the cell culture tubes for acceptable confluent monolayer formation and sterility.

    iv) Decant the medium from the tube.

    v) Using a clean, sterile pipette for each tube, add 1.5 mL of the aliquotted maintenance medium to each tube and re-cap. After set up is complete, discard any remaining maintenance medium.

    vi) Inoculate 0.2 mL (4 drops) of processed specimen into each tube, recapping immediately afterward.

    vii) Incubate the tubes in the roller drum at 36oC. Refer to the appropriate specimen protocol for the incubation time for each tube.

    viii) Refeed MRC-5, R-Mix and E-Mix minimally once per 5 days. Shell vials showing signs of chemical toxicity (red media / sloughing cells), bacterial / fungal contamination (yellow / turbid media) or aging should be refed within the day.


    III. Reading of Cultures (Shell Vials for CPE)

    i) Cytopathic effect (CPE): E-Mix or other cell lines should be examined daily for CPE. Any culture demonstrating > 2+ CPE should be confirmed by staining. The cells should be scraped, a cytospin slide prepared and appropriate monoclonal antibody staining performed. If no CPE is present, refeed with corresponding maintenance medium and Reincubate.


    ii) Enteroviruses (D3 enterovirus, DHI): Perform enterovirus stain when CPE is observed:

    a. Prepare cytospin preparation from cell culture as outlined below:

    b. Remove about 0.5 mL (leaving about 1 mL) maintenance media from the culture using a sterile pipette.

    c. Scrape cells using a sterile pipette. Break up cell clumps by pipetting up and down several times.

    d. Pipette 4 x 200 uL (4 x 4 drops) of scraped cells into 4 funnels on 2 double slides.

    e. Cytospin at 2000 rpm (700 x g) for 5 minutes.

    f. Remove slide and air dry.

    g. Fix in cold acetone for 10 minutes in a coplin jar. Remove slide and air dry.

    h. An enterovirus QC control slide should be stained in parallel with the patient as follows.

    i. Stain the 4 wells by adding 20 mL each of Enterovirus D3, ECHO, Coxsackie B and Polio stains onto the fixed cell spots.

    j. Incubate in a humidified chamber for 30 minutes at 36oC.

    k. Wash each slide 3 times with fresh PBS for 2 minutes each in a coplin jar.

    l. Wipe excess PBS from the slide without touching the cell spot.

    m. Add 20 mL of FITC-conjugated antibodies.

    n. Incubate in a humidified chamber at 36oC for 30 minutes.

    o. Wash each slide 3 times with fresh PBS for 2 minutes each in a coplin jar.

    p. Wash with distilled water for 1 minute in a coplin jar.

    q. Wipe excess water from the slide without touching the cell spot.

    r. Mount using coverslip and mounting fluid.

    s. Read with fluorescence microscope Leica DC300F with #3 filter for Rodamine/FITC Evans blue and the 40x objective (warning:#1 filter is for FITC Evans blue only).

    Interpretation of Results

    Positive for enterovirus: Green fluorescence

    Negative: Dull-red counterstained cells with no apple-green fluorescence.

    Invalid: If no counterstain is visible, repeat staining

    QC slide failed, report to senior/charge

    If positive, record in freezer program and freeze cells and supernate. Refer to Appendix X and XII for procedure.


    iii) Confirmation by PHL: Any culture demonstrating CPE for which a virus cannot be detected using monoclonal antibodies or other in-house methods and for which toxicity has been ruled out (see below) should be referred to the Public Health Laboratory (PHL) for further work-up. Pass cells to a new culture before sending. Scrape and add 0.2 ml (4 drops) of scraped cells to a fresh culture containing 2 mL of fresh maintenance media (1:10 dilution). Consult the charge/senior technologist or medical microbiologist before referring the specimen to PHL.


    iv) Culture Toxicity: If chemical toxicity is suspected in a culture (rounding of cells, sloughing of cells, granular cytoplasm of cells or unusual CPE, consult senior/charge technologist if unsure), proceed as follows:


    v) Pass cells by scraping and adding 0.2 ml (4 drops) of these scraped cells to a fresh culture containing 2 mL of fresh maintenance media (1:10 dilution). Proceed with tube culture method as outlined above.


    vi) The effects of chemical toxicity would be reduced by dilution whereas the effects of CPE (caused by viral replication) would be the same, if not accelerated on passage. If CPE is suspected, identify virus by antibody stains. If chemical toxicity is suspected, continue to incubate (may need further refeeding to reduce toxicity). If unsure of cell toxicity or CPE , refer to the charge/senior technologist for review.


    vii) Contaminated Culture: If the culture appears visibly contaminated (eg. cloudy and/or yellow medium) and thus uninterpretable, proceed as follows:

    a. On 1st or 2nd reading - change the maintenance medium, and reincubate.

    b. On 3rd or later reading or recurrence - issue a final report stating:

    “Virology culture: Specimen is heavily contaminated with bacteria and/or fungus. Unable to interpret virology culture.”

    c. Replant if specimen is from a sterile site or contamination is attributed to the lab. If multiple specimens are contaminated, report to senior/charge.


    IV. Quality Control (Tube Cultures are not in routine use)

    Record all results of QC in LIS (or log). Refer to virology LIS manual for procedure. Report any abnormal results to charge/senior technologist.

    Five tubes are reserved from each lot of cell cultures received, and used as controls as follows:

    i) Negative controls: (tubes labelled N1, N2, N3)

    On Wednesday, Friday and Monday, an uninoculated tube from each cell line used that day is placed in the roller drum with the inoculated specimens. These tubes are incubated, read and refed with the patient inoculated cultures to monitor the monolayer quality, medium toxicity/contamination. They can also be used

    to provide a baseline for comparison for inoculated cultures when reading for CPE. HFF, CMK, HEp-2 and RD tubes are kept for 5, 2, 2 and 1 weeks respectively.

    ii) Unopened Controls: (2 tubes labelled C and V respectively)

    These tubes are not opened. One tube is kept at 36o C in O2 in the clean room (C)

    and one is placed on the roller drum (V) at 36o C in O2. These tubes are observed

    for 1 week to identify toxicity and contamination originating with the vendor.

    iii) Positive Controls:

    Each week HSV-1 ATCC strain # VR- 539 is scraped from the previous week’s positive control tube and used to inoculate a fresh HFF tube. If the control fails to propagate, a new vial can be retrieved from liquid N2 tank MINS shelf 6.

    Additional positive controls may be set up for the following reasons:

    • · Low isolation rates
    • · Comparison of cell lines
    • · Vendor changes
    • · Proficiency test failures
    • · Training
    • · Continuing problems with negative controls
    • · Preparation of QC material (i.e. positive control slides)
    • Consult a charge/senior technologist to determine the cell lines and viruses to be set up.


    V. Reference

    1) Isenberg, H.D. 1992. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook. Vol. 2. ASM



    BAHAN KULIAH DAN MAKALAH KESEHATAN : http://bahankuliahkesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/08/tube-culture-not-in-routine-use-or.html




    imuniflourence I. Introduction

    The IFA technique is used to identify viral isolates in the cells obtained from shell vials and tube cultures. The indirect method consists of two steps. In the first step, primary antibodies are allowed to react with viral antigens in the cells. These specific complexes are detected in a second step using a species-specific antibody conjugated with a fluorochrome. Viruses which we currently identify by IFA staining include cytomegalovirus immediate early antigen (CMV-IE) and enteroviruses.



    II. Reagents and Materials

    Virus-specific antibody

    FITC-conjugated antimouse antibody

    Phosphate buffered saline (PBS)

    Distilled water

    Cold acetone (4oC)

    Mounting fluid

    Sterile pipettes

    Cytospin and accessories (for tube cultures)

    Humidified chamber

    Sterile freezer vial

    Glass slides


    Paper towels for blotting

    Humidified chamber (for tube culture)


    III. Procedure

    1. Shell Vial

    Follow outline in Appendix II to determine if staining should be done in the shell vial itself or if a cytospin needs to be prepared. If the staining is to be done in the shell vial itself, proceed to step i) below.

    i. Discard cap. Remove maintenance medium from the shell vial using a clean sterile pipette.

    a) Add 1 mL of cold acetone. Cover and fix for 10 minutes.

    b) Decant acetone and blot on paper towel.

    c) Gently rinse with PBS from squirt bottle, filling vial 3/4 full. Decant PBS.

    d) Add 75 ml (2 drops from bottle) of appropriate antibody. Cover.

    vi. Incubate at 36oC for 30 minutes.

    vii. Gently rinse with PBS from squirt bottle, filling vial 3/4 full. Decant PBS. Repeat.

    viii. Add 75ml (2 drops from bottle) of appropriate FITC -conjugated antibodies, cover and repeat steps vi and vii.

    x. Remove the coverslip and place cell side down onto a drop of mounting fluid on a glass slide.

    xi. Read using fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue filter and the 40x objective.


    2. Tube Culture (or Shell Vials for CPE)

    i. Prepare cytospin preparation from cell culture as outlined in Appendix XX.

    ii. Add 20 ml of appropriate antibodies onto the fixed cytospin slide.

    iii. Incubate in a humidified chamber for 30 minutes at 36oC.


    iv. Wash each slide 3 times with fresh PBS for 2 minutes each in a coplin jar.

    v. Wipe excess PBS from the slide without touching the cell spot.

    vi. Add 20 ml of appropriate FITC-conjugated antibodies.

    vii. Incubate in a humidified chamber at 36oC for 30 minutes.

    viii. Wash each slide 3 times with fresh PBS for 2 minutes each in a coplin jar.

    ix. Wash with distilled water for 1 minute in a coplin jar.

    x. Wipe excess water from the slide without touching the cell spot.

    xi. Mount using coverslip and mounting fluid.

    xii. Read with fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue filter and the 40x objective.


    Interpretation of Results

    Positive: Enterovirus:

    An green fluorescence.

    Negative: Red cells with no apple-green fluorescence.


    IV. Quality Control

    Appropriate positive and negative control slides should be stained with each batch.


    V. Reporting

    See individual specimen protocols.


    VI. Reference

    Isenberg, H.D., 1992. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook Vol. 2. ASM Press.


    BAHAN KULIAH DAN MAKALAH KESEHATAN : http://bahankuliahkesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/08/indirect-immunofluorescent-antibody-ifa.html


    apendix 5 I. Introduction

    The DFA staining technique is used to detect viruses either directly in patient specimens or which have been isolated in shell vial or tube cultures. The method consists of a single staining step using a virus-specific antibody which is conjugated with a fluorochrome. Viruses which we currently identify by DFA staining include HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, CMV (late antigen) and respiratory viruses (SimulFluor stains for respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza, influenza, adenovirus).



    II. Reagents and Materials

    FITC-conjugated virus-specific antibody

    FITC/Rodamine-conjugated virus-specific antibody (SimulFluor)

    Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)


    cold acetone (4oC)

    mounting fluid

    sterile pipettes

    cytospin and accessories (for tube culture)

    humidified chamber

    glass slides


    paper towels for blotting


    III. Procedure


    1. Shell Vial

    This procedure is for staining of cells directly in shell vial. If staining a cytospin slide or slide made directly from a patient specimen, follow the tube culture procedure below.

    i. Discard cap. Remove maintenance medium from the shell vial using sterile pipette.

    ii. Add 1 mL of cold acetone. Cover with tray lid and let sit for 10 minutes.

    iii. Decant acetone and blot shell vial on paper towel.

    iv. Gently rinse with PBS from squirt bottle, filling vial 3/4 full. Decant PBS.

    v. Add 75ml (2 drops from bottle) of appropriate FITC or Rodamine-conjugated virus-specific antibody. Cover with tray lid.

    vi. Incubate at 36oC for 30 minutes.

    vii. Gently rinse with PBS from squirt bottle, filling vial 3/4 full. Decant PBS. Repeat.

    viii. Remove the coverslip from each shell vial and place cell side down onto a drop of mounting fluid on a glass slide.

    ix. For HSV 1, HSV 2, VZ and CMV, read using fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue filter and the 40x objective.

    x. For respiratory viruses, read using fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue Rodamine bi-filter and the 40x objective.


    2. Tube Culture

    i. Prepare cytospin slide from cell culture tube as outlined in Appendix XX.

    ii. Fix slide in cold acetone for 10 minutes in a coplin jar. Remove slide and air dry.

    iii. Add 20ml of appropriate FITC or Rodamine -conjugated antibody onto the fixed cytospin slide.

    iii. Incubate in a humidified chamber at 36oC for 30 minutes.

    iv. Wash each slide 3 times with fresh PBS for 2 minutes each in a coplin jar.

    v. Wash with distilled water for 1 minute in a coplin jar.

    vi. Wipe excess water from the slide without touching the cytospin preparation.

    vii. Mount using coverslip and mounting fluid.

    xi. For HSV 1, HSV 2, VZ and CMV, read using fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue filter and the 40x objective.

    viii. For respiratory viruses, read using fluorescence microscope with the FITC/Evans Blue Rodamine bi-filter.


    Interpretation of Results

    Positive: Bartel CMV monoclonal antibody: Bright apple green fluorescence of cytoplasmic inclusion (late antigen) and homogenous early nuclear antigen in CMV-CPE cells.

    Chemicon SimulFluor Respiratory Screen:

    All respiratory viruses except RSV show bright apple green fluorescence of the cytoplasm and/or nucleus of the infected cell.

    RSV shows bright gold fluorescence of the cytoplasm and/or nucleus of the infected cell.

    Chemicon SimulFluor Flu A/Flu B:

    Influenzae A virus shows bright apple green fluorescence.

    Influenzae B virus shows bright gold fluorescence.

    Chemicon SimulFluor RSV/Para 3:

    RSV virus shows bright apple green fluorescence.

    Parainfluenzae 3 shows bright gold fluorescence.

    Chemicon SimulFluor Para 123/Adeno:

    Parainfluenza 1,2,3 viruses show bright apple green fluorescence.

    Adenovirus shows bright gold fluorescence.

    Chemicon individual monoclonal antibodies:

    Parainfluenzae 1 and 2, and adenovirus show bright apple green fluorescence.

    Negative: Red Cells with no apple-green fluorescence.


    IV. Quality Control

    Appropriate positive and negative control slides should be stained with each batch.


    VI. Reference

    Isenberg, H.D., 1992, ASM. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook Vol. 2.


    BAHAN KULIAH DAN MAKALAH KESEHATAN : http://bahankuliahkesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/08/direct-immunofluorescent-antibody-dfa.html

    Uji T Satu Sampel (One Sample T-Test)

    Uji ini digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan mean (rerata) populasi  atau penelitian terdahulu dengan mean data sampel penelitian.

    Misalnya Seorang Kepala Puskesmas menyatakan bahwa rata-rata perhari jumlah kunjungan pasien adalah 20 orang. Untuk membuktikan pernyatan tsb, kemudian di ambil sampel random sebanyak 20 hari kerja dan diperoleh rata-rata 23 orang dengan standar deviasi 6 orang.

    Sekarang kita akan menguji apakah rata-rata jumlah kunjungan pasien sebelumnya berbeda secara statistik dengan yang saat ini.

    Langkah-langkah pengujian.

    Ho = 20 ( tidak ada perbedaan kunjungan pasien tahun lalu dengan saat ini)
    Ha ≠ 20 ( ada perbedaan kunjungan pasien tahun lalu dengan saat ini )


    Uji  t  satu sampel

    x = rata-rata sampel
    µ = rata-rata populasi/penelitian terdahulu
    S = Standar Deviasi
    n = jumlah (banyaknya) sampel

    Perhitungan :

    DF = n – 1 → 20 -1 = 19, di tabel T,  p value terletak antara 0,025 dan 0,001.

    Karena nilai P pada tabel (< 0,025) yang berarti kurang dari nilai α = 0,05, maka Ho dapat kita ditolak

    Secara statistik ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kunjungan pasien tahun lalu dengan saat ini.

    Blog Biostatistik : http://statistik-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/03/uji-t-satu-sampel-one-sample-t-test.html

    Uji T Independen

    Uji ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan rata-rata dua populasi/kelompok data yang independen. Contoh kasus  suatu penelitian ingin mengetahui hubungan status merokok ibu hamil dengan berat badan bayi yang dilahirkan. Respondan terbagi dalam dua kelompok, yauti mereka yang merokok  dan yang tidak merokok.
    Uji T independen ini memiliki asumsi/syarat yang mesti dipenuhi, yaitu :
    1. Datanya berdistribusi normal.
    2. Kedua kelompok data independen (bebas)
    3. variabel yang dihubungkan berbentuk numerik dan kategorik (dengan hanya 2 kelompok)
    Secara perhitungan manual ada dua formula (rumus) uji T independen, yaitu uji T yang variannya sama dan uji T yang variannya tidak sama.
    Untuk varian sama gunakan formulasi berikut :

     Dimana Sp :

    Xa = rata-rata kelompok a
    Xb = rata-rata kelompok b
    Sp = Standar Deviasi gabungan
    Sa = Standar deviasi kelompok a
    Sb = Standar deviasi kelompok b
    na = banyaknya sampel di kelompok a
    nb = banyaknya sampel di kelompok b
    DF = na + nb -2

    Sedangkan untuk varian yang tidak sama gunakan formulasi berikut :

    Untuk DF (degrre of freedom) uji T independen yang variannya tidak sama itu berbeda dengan yang di atas (DF= Na + Nb -2), tetapi menggunakan rumus :

    Nah... untuk menentukan apakah varian sama atau beda, maka menggunaka rumus :

    Bila nilai P > α , maka variannya sama, namun bila nilai P <= α, berati variannya berbeda.

    Contoh perhitungan secara manual, saya tidak akan berikan disini...capek...hehe. Mungkin akan saya berikan dalam aplikasi di SPSS atau STATA (lebih mudah tidak perlu pake kalkulator).

    Blog Biostatistik : http://statistik-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/03/uji-t-independen.html

    Uji T Dependen (Berpasangan)

    Uji ini untuk menguji perbedaan rata-rata antara dua kelompok data yang dependen. Misalnya untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan berat badan sebelum mengikuti proram diet dan berat badan setelah mengikuti program diet.
    Sama seperti uji T independen, uji T dependen memiliki asumsi yang harus dipenuhi, yaitu :

    1. Datanya berdistribusi normal.
    2. Kedua kelompok data dependen (berpasangan)
    3. variabel yang dihubungkan berbentuk numerik dan kategorik (dengan hanya 2 kelompok).
    Rumus yang digunakan, sebagai berikut :


    δ = rata-rata deviasi (selisih sampel sebelum dan sampel sesudah)
    SDδ = Standar deviasi dari δ (selisih sampel sebelum dan sampel sesudah)
    n = banyaknya sampel
    DF = n-1

    Contoh :
    Data sampel terdiri atas 10 pasien pria mendapat obat captoril dengan dosis 6,25 mg. Pasien diukur
    tekanan darah sistolik sebelum pemberian obat dan 60 menit sesudah pemberian obat. Peneliti ingin mengetahui apakah pengobatan tersebut efektif untuk menurunkan tekanan darah pasien-pasien tersebut dengan alpha 5%. Adapun data hasil pengukuran adalah sebagai berikut.

    Sebelum : 175 179 165 170 162 180 177 178 140 176
    Sesudah : 140 143 135 133 162 150 182 150 175 

    1. HIPOTESIS :

    Ho : δ = 0 (Tidak ada perbedaan tekanan darah sistolik pria antara sebelum dibandingkan sesudah dengan pemberian Catopril)

    Ha : δ ≠ 0 (Ada perbedaan tekanan darah sistolik setelah diberikan Catopril dibanding sebelum diberikan obat)


    Uji T dua sampel berpasangan (Uji T Dependen)

    Perhitungan :
    Diperoleh :

    δ : -35 -36 -30 - 37 0 -30 5 - 28 35 -16
    δrata-rata = -17,2
    S = 23,62

    n = 10

    t =    Î´    =       - 17,2         =       - 17,2          =       -17,2     
         S/n         23,62/10          23,62/3,162               7,469
                  =    -2,302

    Df = n - 1 = 10-1 = 9
    Dilihat pada tabel t pada df = 19, t = 2,302 diperoleh Pvalue < 0,0253.

    Dengan α = 0,05, maka Pvalue < α, sehingga Ho ditolak

    Tekanan Darah sistolik setelah pemberian Catopril terbukti bermakna atau signifikan berbeda dibandingkan sebelum pemberian catropil.

    Blog Biostatistik : http://statistik-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/03/uji-t-dependen-berpasangan.html