I am starting to write about my profile in english, because the global era is coming now. Yah....to the point direcly, i just wana introduction my selft to you all of the followers or participants in my site. Okey...My name is wahidin, i am the latest sons from my parent. i come from Majenang, city central java, Indonesia.
I have studied in the nursing department and i have got bachelor degrees. Hem....i realy proud and happy with my profesions. That a reason way i have made this site, i just wan to make my life is usefull exspecialy for nurse in indonesia.
Guys...that my introductions, just taking heppy to download. its fully free, but dont forget if you get a file that you want, just leave a comment.
For futher informations just contact me at adin.maniz@gmail.com
or send me sms in 087851028747
Best regard